Sustainability Remains a Priority For Cooling In Medical Industry

October 12, 2021 | Blog
Cooling In Medical Industry

Temperature plays a pivotal role in the function and performance of medical equipment. And medical professionals rely on these machines to enhance and save the lives of their patients. With so much on the line, hospitals require a specialized chiller that can provide a superior level of consistency and reliability.

While medical chillers deliver more temperature accuracy, they also need technologies designed to maximize uptime and run 24/7. Hence, this article will help you understand the importance of chillers in the medical industry, including the questions to ask before choosing the best one for your needs.

When it comes to amplifying uptime, the secret is in the management. One of the biggest mistakes is choosing a sub-standard comfort cooling chiller instead of an industrial-grade chiller. While standard comfort chillers have their place in some commercial applications, medical equipment isn’t one of them. Standard chillers lack vital performance capabilities that can significantly decrease component uptime.

Medical equipment requires more power and generates a lot of heat. Even for an MRI machine to function, the magnet inside must stay cool. Medical specialized chillers remove that heat so that they can function properly and give patients the best possible care. They are designed to process cooling for year-round operation, making them ideal for medical components.

They can also maintain consistent performance, whether it’s 125? F or -40? F – or any temperature in between. This expansive swing is possible, thanks to a larger condenser for warm weather and a flooded head pressure control in cold weather.

While these factors are essential in the selection of a medical chiller, uptime and performance are chief concerns. To help ensure you receive the best medical chiller for your application, we’ll walk you through the following questions as part of the medical chiller selection process.

What temperature is required?

Medical equipment requires accurate temperature control to maintain a precise temperature at +/- 1°F.

What flow rate is required?

Medical chillers require a specialized high-pressure pump to ensure fluids flow through the system effectively as the component is operating.

What is the heat load variation?

When medical imaging equipment is scanning, chillers need to handle 100% heat load at 100% for elongated run times.

What is the desired capacity output?

Shifting from a single to a dual circuit medical chiller system can cut capacity output by as much as half. So select an efficient medical chiller that will help you get the most uptime.

What level of redundancy is required?

Medical chillers require additional redundancy options, such as a city water bypass apparatus, to help keep the systems up and running.

How’s the maintenance?

There was always a concern over the use of hazardous treatment chemicals in medical chillers. Our modern technology for round-the-clock cleaning of condenser tube cleaning is Automatic Tube Cleaning System (ACCS). It automatically cleans the heat exchanger tubes in chillers while the equipment remains in operation. It also eliminates downtime while optimizing energy utilization of water-cooled heat exchangers, including chillers. Sharing his thoughts, Mr Tsur Ben David, CEO, CET Enviro said, “In the medical industry, sustainability remains a priority in choosing any powered equipment. However, the best choice depends on the decisions criteria set by the user. So, consider all factors to make sure the chiller that ultimately gets specified balances all the objectives over the long term”