Solution from CET ENVIRO has contributed a lot by reducing HVAC load & Saving lot of energy at Taj Palace, New Delhi”

July 5, 2019 | Blog

In this exclusive article, Mr. Rothin Banerjee, Director of Engineering at Taj Palace, New Delhi gives us an insight on how the CET ENVIRO’s ACCS helped Taj Palace, New Delhi to earn high energy savings…

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“We at the Taj Group, have always believed in society and environment being integral stakeholders in our business and we consistently adopt measures to reduce our energy consumption. In this aspect, we did a study of our chillers last year and we found out that the performance of chiller is effecting due to high condenser approach temperature, even though we were regularly doing the decaling activity. The reason was primarily due to substandard water quality leading to formation of scale. We had to limit the descaling activity as it leads to tube deterioration. We wanted a permanent solution to this problem”

CET ENVIRO ACCS – The total solution

“In hotel industry, the focus of engineering department is always to adopt new technologies to cut energy consumption, and to reduce HLP (heat, light, power) expense which is almost 7-8% of the total revenue. In this initiative, we had installed a new set of Chiller and Cooling tower last year in our hotel with chiller optimizers equipped with ACCS system.

The ACCS system is working remarkably ever since it is installed, and it has supported the Chiller system us to maintain an approach temperature of less than 3 degrees Celsius for the entire year. The cooling tubes remain clean, resulting in improved heat transfer and reduced energy consumption.

This complete package of new Chiller, cooling tower and ACCS has already given us savings worth INR 99 lakhs approx. in nine months.”


“It is worth to mention the high quality and an effective customer service provided by CET ENVIRO team. The ACCS system is duly monitored and checked on regular intervals by CET ENVIRO representatives to ensure that the system is working fine and effectively. We are considering to install similar system at our other chillers as well.”