Condenser Onload Tube Cleaning System
Clean tubes in the surface condenser of power plants are the key to optimal performance. However, old generations of online condenser cleaning technology have had significant drawbacks such as ball loss, short ball life, and uneven ball distribution across the condenser tubes.
CET ENVIRO has reengineered the online condenser cleaning technology to perfection. The technology has been used by a large number of power plants, and they have improved their efficiency by 5-7%.
COLTCS is a top performing Condenser Tube cleaning system that uses specialised sponge rubber balls injected into the Condenser system. This injection of sponge balls through the exchanger tubes prevents any builds-up of scaling and / or biofouling. After each passage, the balls are retrieved and pumped back to the Condenser inlets. COLTCS is fully automatic PLC based system.
Our customers can realise a noticeable increase in performance of power generation through increased output accompanied by savings in costs through lower fuel consumption.
This system is easy to operate and runs on a continuous basis without any of the cleaning balls escaping from the system due to a well-designed customised ball Trap.
Benefits of COLTCS from CET ENVIRO
Advantages of CET Enviro Online condenser cleaning system
Improved power plant efficiency by 5-7%.
Increased power output to the grid by 5-7%.
Prevent costly shutdowns that can cost millions.
Reduce maintenance costs and eliminate manual cleaning of condensers.